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The overall principle is simple. wlt read informations in specific folders, transform it in css, js and html to create a static web site.

convention over configuration

Here is the conventions for the folders:


Will contain all generated content. This is the folder to copy to your web server.


Contains all blog posts. These are markdown files which name has the following structure:


The html file will be:



You can define some static files which are not blog post. These files are in _pages folder and are markdown files. The name of the markdown file will be the name of the html. By example index.md will become index.html.

Some a little more special files may be present, see the specific part.


All sass files to be compiled in css. Root files are specified in the configuration file. The name of the css file will be the name of the root sass file. By example application.sass will become application.css.

You can use all functionalities of sass, by example @import to split your css in multiple files.

If you want to use css-only files, please refer to the public part.


All coffeescript files to be compiled in javascript. Files to compile must be specified in the configuration.

The name of the javascript file will be the name of the coffeescript. By example application.coffee will become application.js.

For now there's no way to concat many coffeescript files in one. That's simply not the principal goal. A system like sprockets can be adding in the future.

If you want include plain javascript files, please refer to the public part.


All haml template files, either root, partials or intermediary.

Contents (pages, posts) declare in a header the template to use. A template can call a parent template. This allows to have a template to include markdown and a template for the page. To go further, see examples.


This is the easier folder. All in this will be copied at the root of the website. This allows you to include css, javascript, pictures, resources, html, etc.


The file config.yaml contains all necessary parameters to generate the site. Some are system parameters (like the root url), some are simply informations to factorize like accounts, twitter informations, etc.

This is an example of config file :

# URL of generated web site (to have absolute links)
site_url: http://log.winsos.net
# Deployement url (via rsync)
deploy_to: ...@www.....lan:/var/www/log/
# Page title
title: CrEv's log

# Twitter cards, opengraph, etc
# Author
name: Plop Plop
# Twitter site / creator -> twitter cards
twitter_site: _crev_
twitter_creator: _crev_
# Default description if no excerpt
default_description: My personal weblog

# Some accounts, to be displayes in an about page in default templates
    twitter: https://twitter.com/_crev_
    gplus: https://plus.google.com/112813954986166280487
    github: http://github.com/eunomie
    coderwall: https://coderwall.com/crev
    linkedin: http://fr.linkedin.com/in/yvesbrissaud

# Assets, description of css/js to generate (name of files without extension)
    css: [application, cv]
    js: [application]

Except for the first which is really recommended, others are optional and depend of your templates. This is only an example, you can add all parameters you want. They will always be accessible in ruby objets.


Every markdown and haml files can start with an header to add some meta data. All parameters are not mandatory and can vary depending on the case (pages, blog post, template). This is an example for a blog post.

First, the header must starts, at the first line of the file, with --- and ends by a line containing only ---. All inside this lines is yaml.

By example :

layout: post
tags: [web_log_today]
title: Web Log Today first release
author: Yves
email: plopplop@....com
twitter: _crev_
published: false

Special files

Two special files can be present inside _pages folder, and on in _layouts.

The first is atom.xml.haml. It allows to generate an atom.xml file containing all blog posts.

Second is a sitemap.xml.haml. It allows to generate a sitemap.xml referencing all files.

Finally, the file tags.haml can be present in _layouts to generate files referencing all posts with a common tag. Contrary to all other files, this one can have multiples output, one file per tag in tags folder.